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Welcome to my very own URL Shortener Service!

Though there are many, this is my own  : )

Actually, this website is, at least in part and at the moment, more of an addition to my main website, possibly also to other websites of mine.

It currently serves primarily in order to provide extra space for annotations to articles, books and links on my other websites, allowing me to give some additional information before the reader calls up the links I provide.

However, I have not annotated all of the links on my websites, just in certain cases. So please do not conclude from the fact that there is no annotation, that I would fully agree with the contents of the website linked. (Rather, please understand what I have explained in German here, i.e. that the decision to read a certain website or text and all consequences are fully within the area of your own responsibility. Some of the pages on this site can serve to enable you to make a better informed decision, Please do not follow or believe any information blindly, whether it is given by me or others, do not believe just because of a name, but try to perceive the degree of truth, and, even before that, whether you should read a text or follow a link at all.)

There is no Sitemap, so you will be able to access the pages on this websites mainly from other websites, as far as there are links (or, of course, if you find them in a search enginge).

Another potential function is one described in this article - it might be an idea to try it out.

Furthermore, I may use this site to shorten longer URLs, e.g. for using them on micro blogs, or to help me inegrate links with special characters.